I’m a graduate student who’s passionate about open source and cybersecurity. After graduating from Mahidol University’s a computer network-focused Bachelor’s degree program in Information and Communication Technology with First Class Honors, I worked as a technical support/software developer hybrid role in a financial industry business. My 5 years there taught me how to develop reliable software that adjusts quickly to customer’s feedback and remains easy to diagnose and maintain. I was also known for liking rare, challenging code-diving tickets rather than the more popular small, repetitive ones, and was often the go-to person for automation tasks in my team.
Currently, I’m studying in a Master’s degree program in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance at Mahidol University. My research involves applying what I’ve learned during earlier semester about information security standards to open source software projects. I’m looking forward to what I’ll learn from this investigation!
Class: Advanced Cybersecurity
Responsibilities include:
Department: Asset Management Solutions
Responsibilities include:
Events and activities:
GPA: 3.91/4.0
Events and activities:
GPA: 3.67/4.0
Events and activities:
Properly trained; 5 years experience at work. JCL & Rexx also included.
Self-taught at work to solve specific issues.
Used in thesis and personal hobby projects.
Used in personal hobby projects.
Used in personal hobby projects.
Adopted by 7 cats!
Contributes to open source icon pack projects
Daily driving Debian Linux since 2022!